As we gear up for the year ahead, I’d like to recap where we are and share with you some areas of focus in the coming year.
As we begin 2025, you may have noticed a new login screen for Microsoft applications (Outlook, Teams, OneDrive, etc).
Time to Zoom In and Zoom Out: January is considered a time of fresh starts and re-dos.
Facilities staff raised more than $1,300 to benefit the United Way of Greater Mercer County this year through the 50/50 Raffle and the Bake Sale.
Facilities Updates
Todd Amiet, Operations - Engineering
Ike Cheung, Capital Projects
Meghan Cote, Finance & Administrative Services
Jose Diaz, Operations - Building Services
Stephanie Franco, Finance & Administrative Services
Carmine Giangeruso, Capital Projects
James Green, Operations - Building Services
Tony Jannaco, Operations - Building Services
Richard Leem, Operations - Elevators
Nick Perseghin, Operations - Site Protection
Hope Rogers, Operations - Building Services
Jim Simmonds, Operations - Special Facilities E-Quad
Jaisson Torres Amarante, Operations - Building Services
Gregory Wright, Operations - Building Services
Jerret Zablocki, Operations - Carpenters
Facilities Links
Building and Property Information (map)
Concur (travel/expenses)
CPMS/PMWeb (project management)
ePaw (purchase requests)
Maximo 7.6 (work orders)
Meridian EDMS (FRC) (building drawings)
Princeton Prime (financials)
Resource Recovery (donate/purchase)
TigerSpace (floorplans)
FIThelp (email to open a ticket)
FITspace (email to open a ticket)
Submit an Outage/Impact (new!)
The Service Point (University Services)
The Service Portal (Contact Us)
Core Values
- Collaborate to achieve mission; have fun
- Cultivate trust
- Be open-minded
- Encourage others
- Engage and share knowledge
- Be accountable and timely
- Demonstrate perseverance
- Be confident and inquisitive
- Challenge conventional thinking
- Encourage enthusiasm and creativity
- Address problems/opportunities others have not
- Try new things, risk failure
- Keep our word
- Practice fairness
- Communicate openly and honestly
- Act ethically and stand up for what is right
- Show dedication to organizational values
- Practice safety in everything we do
- Be curious and open about others
- Be free of judgment
- Speak up for others
- Be conscious to include others
- Seek ways to embrace diversity
- Engage to understand other perspectives
- Care for people and property
- Listen to and value others’ opinions
- Recognize and appreciate contributions
- Treat others as they want to be treated
- Practice and value self-respect
- See the person behind every job role
- Reduce, reuse, recycle
- Commit to sustainable actions individually
- Commit to actions organizationally
- Reduce environmental impacts
- Share sustainable practices
- Plan for long term impacts